All men are invited to the Johnny Hunt Men's Conference Simulcast hosted by Lighthouse. Cost is $25 and includes steak dinner on Friday night.
“In Proverbs 5, Solomon warns us that the enemy has laid a trap, one that he was familiar with after hearing the stories of his father David. That passage inspired the first sermon I ever wrote for the Men’s Conference, “The Hunt for the Precious Life.” The enemy seeks to destroy men, their marriages, and their families. All of us are guilty of letting our guard down at one time or another. We view ourselves as the hunter and provider for our family, but in reality, we are the ones being hunted. This year I hope you will join me and many others as we talk about the traps the enemy has set and what we can do to protect ourselves and our families.”
-Johnny Hunt
Johnny Hunt, North American Mission Board
Jeremy Morton, First Baptist Woodstock
Bob Reccord, Total Life Impact Ministries
James Eubanks, First Baptist Woodstock
Scholarships are available. Email to inquire.